Mission and Vision

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church

Gunnison, CO

2016 Vision Statement



The purpose of this congregation shall be to seek the honor and glory of the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to carry out His will, to manifest the unity of our faith in Christ as God and Savior, to spread the kingdom of God and to foster Christian fellowship and love by the preaching of the Word of God, by the administration of the sacraments, and by the religious instruction of all its members, according to the confessional standard of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.

The following shall be done in the knowledge of God and Christ in accordance with the doctrine and confessions of the Lutheran Church of the Missouri Synod.


Improvement can be found in the areas of music and the conducting of the service.


Improve our music ministry by encouraging individuals to use their talents for playing instruments and singing to the glory of God and the edification of His people.

Encourage a choir to sing at all major church festivals.

Expand the use of the Processional cross.

Institute an Acolyte schedule.

Elder staying at the Altar at all services.

Use a special form of Divine Service for each season of the church year.

Encourage more child participation in appropriate church services.

Develop and implement a formal usher program, which encompasses identifying a coordinator and includes formal training, scheduling, etc.

Complete Elder training program for all Elders.


Develop local and global outreach programs with the evangelism ministry.

Enhance communication with the South Africa mission.

Develop a network contact list for outreach

Continue current witness locally at Blue Mesa, our Website, and KVLE.

  • Publish a member newsletter monthly/quarterly online and in printed format.
  • Continue and build upon outreach to students. Students and young couples to be invited to special gatherings.
  • Keep sites such as Facebook and the Church web site current.
  • Act on identified growth opportunities from the demographic study from LCEF.


We recognize that communication and interaction is paramount to care, nurturing and fellowship among all members.

Create on-going social activities to generate identity with the overall church.

Elders to interact with members and visitors on a more proactive and ongoing basis. All members should be contacted by an Elder on a regular basis.

Ensure membership list is distributed with the newsletter whenever there are updates.


Nurturing, developing and improving in all persons the knowledge of God and Christ.

Continue current Bible study classes and start a Bible study for a men’s group that meets on a regular basis.

Provide post confirmation education and youth group.

Provide children’s church for ages under 4.

Provide pre-confirmation education.

Vacation Bible School to be planned and hosted each summer.

V. SERVICE- 1 Corinthians 14:40 – But all things should be done decently and in order.

Attending to the emotional needs of the people, giving, service, and stewardship.

Continue the search for a stewardship chair.

Create a strategy for the stewardship ministry.

Increase the options and methods for Biblical based funding opportunities.

Challenge congregation members to give of their time and talents to meet the needs of the church.

Continue to clean and replace banners.

Continue the search for a church archivist.

Provide meals and transportation to members in need.

Engage all visitors in conversation, welcome them, invite them back and ask how Mt. Calvary may be of service to them.

Continue sound financial management practices for all church funds to assure their proper use on an ongoing basis.

Establish a fundraising plan to supplement needs of the Church.


Since the Lord calls us to be wise stewards of all that He has entrusted to us, which includes our facilities and grounds, and to care for them and put them to the best possible use as we follow Him, we intend to:

Provide recommendations to the congregation to ensure that we honor the sacred spaces of the church.

Develop and have approved by the congregation a plan to address the space needs of the church, including, without limitation, the Pastor’s office, treasurer’s office, and other needs.This plan shall include both the proposed construction, if any, the schedule for any construction or improvements, and the timeline and strategy for any necessary fundraising. This plan shall be provided to the congregation no later than July 1, 2014.

Take corrective action when safety and health issues are identified.

Continue to maintain loving care of the building and grounds.

Improve the existing aesthetics and visibility of the church.



To properly address the needs of the Church and to provide a clear path for the growth of the Mt. Calvary Ministry efforts, we intend to:

Continue utilizing the RMD - LCEF services to engage in strategic/vision planning.

The Church Council shall create a Risk Management Plan

The Church Council and the Elders shall complete a review the Constitution, Bylaws and Handbook of Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church by the February voters meeting.


